Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday, Day Seven

Our routine is established and Oscar knows it well. I believe I heard him squeak a little this afternoon when I was slightly tardy in feeding him.

I notice new things about him every day. For instance, the umbilicus has fallen off at some point over the past while and his ears, once a seamless part of his skull, they have popped out and are flexible.

He gains strength hour by hour but is uncoordinated when placed on a surface, forever falling over and waving his limbs in the air. His head seems to be the heaviest part of his body. His tail, still rat-like.
In the photo to the right, you may be given a correct impression that he is willful as he tries to pull away from the cocoon I hold him in for feeding. He shows no sign of growing fur but his eyes are showing characteristic slits that precede opening although it will be several weeks before they are fully open and he sees clearly. Right now, he is still blind and he finds the end of the syringe using his sense of smell 

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