Sunday, July 11, 2010

Oscar does Almonte

Almonte, about 45 minutes from Ottawa and where I was spending the afternoon, supper and early evening. I packed Oscar's diaper bag at 3:00 p.m. and off we went.

Much to-ing and fro-ing in Almonte, plants to pot, bicycles to ride, meals to prepare, so Oscar was left to his own devices. Still, feedings occurred regularly and if I wasn't available, my sister did the honours.

Here's a photo she took of Oscar actually eating. He slurps milk directly from the end of the syringe. Note his tiny ears, now separated from his head, an indication that he is almost two weeks old. And can you see his minuscule whiskers? Click on the photo to enlarge it.

At each feeding, he eats about double the amount that's left in the syringe. When he's sated, he simply falls babies everywhere.

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